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(点击上方关注键盘侠🐗🐘,获悉更多有趣资讯🐾。)Post Game Thread] The Philadelphia 76ers (29-13) defeat the San Antonio Spurs (8-35) 133-123, led by Joel Embiid's franchise-high 70 points scored![赛后贴] 费城76人(29-13)133-123击败圣安东尼奥马刺(8-35)🐗,恩比德70分创队史记录双方关键球员数据:76人(29-13):恩比德70分18篮板5助攻、乌布雷8分、马克西18分4篮板8助攻、巴图姆5分8篮板6助攻、豪斯8分、里德6分8篮板马刺(8-35):文班亚马33分4篮板7助攻、尚帕尼12分、索汉14分8篮板4助攻、瓦塞尔22分4篮板9助攻、琼斯12分4篮板、麦克德莫特13分5篮板、约翰逊8分[–]NetsBruceBrownMVP 361 points 2 hours agoThat was an absolute pleasure to watch篮网球迷:看大帝的比赛绝对是视觉盛宴[–][SAS] Boris Diawzna55 151 points 2 hours agoI disagree马刺球迷:我不同意![–]LakersJilJungJukk 1206 points 2 hours agoShoutout Spurs for keeping the game close lol湖人球迷:先为马刺欢呼撒花,坚持不被打垮,没让大帝提前打卡🦏,哈哈[–][POR] Brandon RoyNevermoreSEA 338 points 2 hours agoI heard that this game actually doesn't count because he wasn't facing a playoff team开拓者球迷:我听说这场比赛不算数🐄,因为他面对的是一支进不了季后赛的鱼腩球队![–]76ersTerminallyTrill 148 points 2 hours agoYeah he only drops 40/10 against those teams76人球迷:你说的也没错🐂🐾,面对季后赛强队🐨🦙🐪,他只能拿个40分10板[–][SAS] Tim Duncanrattatatouille 202 points 2 hours agoMan was literally sitting out the fourth in a lot of games马刺球迷:而且很多比赛🐍🐐,第四节他只能坐在场下摸鱼[–][MEM] Kyle Lowryitsnotyellowfever 1625 points 2 hours agoAt some point holding him under 40 is gonna get you DPOY votes灰熊球迷:今时今日🐘,你要能把大帝的得分控制在40分以下,我就把“年度最佳防守球队”的一票投给你……[–]LakersPalifaith 830 points 2 hours agoWe call that an Andre Iguodala finals MVP.湖人球迷:伊戈达拉不就是这样得到FMVP的嘛[–]KnicksAbyss333333 600 points 2 hours agoThis so easily could have been an 80 point game damn尼克斯球迷:恩比德得分也太容易了🐻🐮🐂,这场加把劲都可以上80了🐄,可惜啊[–]D09987766 169 points 2 hours agoIt would’ve but Coach Pop hammered his ass and held him to 70球迷:本来是奔80分去的,可波波维奇打爆了他的大腚🐏🦙,大帝也就只能拿70分了相关新闻>>>>>波波维奇一脸傲娇调侃:文班会打爆恩比德[–]BullsiChoke 374 points an hour agoHistoric night for Embiid, god damn. Absolutely dominant performance.Wemby is unreal too. I can't wait to watch this guy develop. Stepped up to the challenge against every big matchup. Get him off his minutes restriction soon please.公牛球迷:大帝生涯之夜,绝对统治级别🐨🐾。文班也很有威胁,面对大帝不怯🐻🐍🐯,挺身而上对决🦏。多练多学🐈,迟早也是一绝🐗。快点去掉他的上场时间限制吧🐺,波爷!相关新闻>>>>回主场会取消文班出场时间限制?波波:不知道 该取消时就取消了[–]76erspagonator 1215 points 3 hours agoThe layup he had where he practically put his arm around Joel for an easy finger roll was crazy76人球迷:他轻舒猿臂🐰,绕过恩比德的那个挑篮🐇🐀,还真是挺会玩[–]Netsd1t0m6 163 points 2 hours agoWemby had 33 and it wasn't even half of the highest scorer. Amazing篮网球迷:文班得了33分🦛🐲🐲,居然连场上最高得分的一半都不到,太疯狂了[–]Impossible-Past4795 631 points 3 hours agoMust be weird being 7’2 and seeing somebody taller than you lmao.球迷:恩比德身高七尺,看见比自己高这么多的文班,感觉一定很奇怪,哈哈[–]76erspackim0p 114 points 3 hours ago*This one is good but his all time reaction is when he came in to face boban for the first time and recreated the Tyler Hansbrough76人球迷:这个表情是很搞🐻🐂,但他第一次看到博班的时候🐸🐖,那反应才叫绝🐅🐍,复制了泰勒-汉斯布鲁的表情[–]ThunderOKC2023champs 2081 points 2 hours agoDude broke a wilt chamberlin record.雷霆球迷:恩比德居然打破了张伯伦的记录🐹🐪,不得了[–]MavericksPowpowpowowowow 769 points 2 hours agoThere have been 14 70+ point games in NBA history. Wilt has 6 of them...独行侠球迷:NBA历史上球员得分70+的比赛有14场🐒,张伯伦一个人贡献了6场……[–]CelticsSinibusUSG 455 points 2 hours ago74 points and 19 rebounds. Two really amazing efforts from Joel Embiid and Jordan Poole tonight.凯尔特人球迷:合砍74分19篮板🐐🐆🐹。恩比德、普尔真的是东邪西毒🦡🦧🐁,交相辉映!相关新闻>>>>球权不多打得也差!普尔7中1仅拿4分1板 [–]Lakerstito-ortiz-wife69 183 points 2 hours agoHis middy is unplayable湖人球迷:恩比德中投实在无解[–]LakersApollo611 135 points 2 hours agoIt’s the new Dirk湖人球迷:新的诺维斯基[–]76ersSkywalkerkid9 231 points 2 hours agoYeah yeah rings but this guy is actually the best player that will ever play for this team and I get to watch him76人球迷:我知道他没戒指,但这家伙就是我们球队最好的球员,未来也不会有人超过他,我奏是耐看他[–]ThunderNext-Firefighter-753 94 points 2 hours ago*1-22-24, the day my SGA for MVP narrative spontaneously burst into flames. Give the man his trophy.雷霆球迷:2024年1月22日,我说亚历山大将荣获MVP!现在我宣布🐒🐎🐢,这话作废🐲,把奖杯颁给大帝吧![–]Warriors [GSW] Chris PaulPuzzleheaded_Fox4684[S] 61 points 2 hours agoAs a big SGA fan the MVP race is over勇士球迷:作为亚历山大的粉丝🐺🐇,我也得说🐈🐔,MVP的竞赛结束了[–]floatermuse 517 points 2 hours ago*This is legitimately like a 2013 LeBron/2016 Steph level historic regular season at this pointNot even a huge Embiid fan but he deserves unanimous MVP if the season ended today球迷:现在的恩比德就像2013年的詹姆斯和2016年库里🐖🦡,常规赛历史最佳级别的表现🐔🐸。虽然不是恩比德铁粉,但我觉得如果本赛季今天就结束🐯,那他必须是全票通过的MVP[–]rannigast 61 points 2 hours agoIf he plays 65 he's definitely getting it球迷:只要他打够65场,MVP绝对是他的[–]76ersPensiveinNJ 143 points 2 hours agoIt's Embiid versus the game count now.76球迷:现在,恩比德的对手不是别人🦎🐏🐖,而是出场次数[–]KingNephew 112 points 2 hours agoCrazy we’re really about to witness 3 different players win back to back MVPs consecutively.国王球迷:我们将要见证3个不同的球员连续背靠背获得MVP了,太不可思议了[–]rannigast 340 points 2 hours agoHaters are crying into their pillows tonight球迷:大帝的黑粉今晚要抱着枕头嘤嘤嘤了来源:Reddit编译:语次无伦
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